“Rules and Principles in International Law: the Significance of the Difference”

Onsdagen den 12 november 2014, kl. 17.30.

Talare: Professor David Caron, Dean, King´s College London, President of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) 2010-2012.

Lokal: Elite Plaza Hotel, Birger Jarlsgatan 29, Stockholm.

Anmälan: Senast måndagen den 10 november kl. 12.00 till sekretariat@ilasweden.se .

The scholarship of Professor David D. Caron has focused on international courts and tribunals, ocean law and policy and global environmental law; he has served as arbitrator in numerous disputes involving states. His complete biography as well as access to his writings is available at http://works.bepress.com/david_caron/ .

