Investment Protection in the EU: New Rules for BITs (Bilateral Investment Treaties) – An Overview, Challenges and Issues; Swedish and European Perspectives
Tuesday, 15 November 2011 at 17.30.
Subject: Investment Protection in the EU: New Rules for BITs (Bilateral Investment Treaties) – An Overview, Challenges and Issues; Swedish and European Perspectives
Speakers: Carolinn Hjälmroth, National Board of Trade, presents and discusses her Report “Securing High Investment Protection for EU Investors”; and,
Dr. Jan Kleinheisterkamp, Senior Lecturer, London School of Economics, Department of Law
Commentator: Advokat Christer Söderlund, Vinge
Moderator: Advokat John Kadelburger, Svenska ILA
Venue: Stockholms Handelskammare, Västra Trädgårdsgatan 9.
Registration: Registration no later than Monday 14 November at 12.00 to .