Jubileumsåret är fyllt av aktiviteter och registreringen är nu öppen.
Länken till registreringen finns här: https://na.eventscloud.com/ereg/index.php?eventid=694679&
Vi återkommer fortlöpande med mer information, men ni kan enkelt hålla er uppdaterade direkt här:
Läs mer om programmet här https://www.ilaparis2023.org/en/webinars/
The year will begin with an inaugural webinar on 12 January 2023. This webinar will discuss the role of parliaments in enhancing the legitimacy of international law.
This will be followed by regularly scheduled webinars. Each webinar will address the topic of one of the white papers. The content of the white paper will be critically discussed in order to draw lessons for further work on the topic.
On this page, you will find the information available to date for each webinar. More information will be added as we move forward with the organisation.
We look forward to a broad participation in the discussion by all who attend.
Participant registration is now available at https://na.eventscloud.com/ereg/index.php?eventid=694679&
Webinars will be recorded and available for replay for all registered participants.
Student – ILA member €50.00
Student – ILA non member €100.00
Academic – ILA member €150.00
Academic – ILA non member €220.00
White paper steering committee members €100.00
Lawyer or other professional – ILA member €250.00
Lawyer or other professional – ILA non-member €350.00
Inaugural conference ONLY €80.00