Business and Human Rights Disputes – How to adapt Arbitration and Mediation?
Jointly organised with the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC)
Thursday 14th of December, 2017, at 5–7 pm.
Followed by drinks and canapés.
Words of Welcome: Annette Magnusson, Secretary General of the SCC Arbitration Instititute
Guest Speaker: Catherine Kessedjian, Professor Emerita, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II, Vice-Chair ILA, Arbitrator and Mediator
Moderator: Ove Bring, Professor Emeritus, President of the Swedish Branch of the ILA
Venue: Handelskammaren/SCC, Brunnsgatan 2, at Engelbrektsplan.
Registration: No later than Tuesday 12th of December, 12.00 noon to .